Downloads and Technical Videos


Roto-Disc Product Brochure

roto disc brochures


Poster of the different valves offered through Roto-Disc

Roto-Disc Product Brochure

User’s Guides

roto disc and roto disc two users guide image

Roto-Disc® & Roto-Disc II Valve User’s Guide

roto flate users guide image

Roto-Flate® Valve User’s Guide

roto clean valve users guide image

Roto-Clean® Valve User’s Guide


Video Explainer: Specifically Designed for Dry and Slurry Material

We show you why Roto-Disc® works when all else fails in this closer look.

This demonstration video depicts the replacement and adjustment for any soft seat Roto-Disc or Roto-Disc II valve.

This demonstration video depicts the replacement process for the Roto-Flate inflatable seal valve or Roto-Vert-Flate inflatable seal diverter valve.

This demonstration video depicts the disassembly and reassembly, seat replacement and adjustment, of the Roto-Clean sanitary valve.